The mirror world interpretation of the 1908 Tunguska event.
Интерпретация Тунгусского события 1908 года как зеркального мира.

R. Foot
Р. Фут (Австралия):
Australia, The University of Melbourne

Just like antimatter was predicted to exist by requiring consistency of quantum theory with Lorentz symmetry, `Mirror matter' is predicted to exist if left-right symmetry (i.e. mirror symmetry) is conserved by the fundamental particle interactions of nature. Mirror matter is capable of simply explaining a large number of contemporary puzzles in astrophysics and particle physics including: Explanation of the inferred `dark matter' in the Universe, the existence of close-in extrasolar gas giant planets, apparently `isolated' planets, the solar, atmospheric neutrino anomalies, the orthopositronium lifetime anomaly and perhaps even gamma ray bursts. One fascinating possibility is that our solar system contains small mirror matter space bodies (asteroid or comet sized objects), which are too small to be revealed from their gravitational effects but nevertheless have explosive implications when they collide with the Earth. We examine the possibility that the 1908 Tunguska explosion was the result of the collision of a mirror matter space body with the Earth. We point out that if this catastrophic event and many other similar but smaller events are manifestations of the mirror world then these impact sites should be a good place to start digging for mirror matter. Mirror matter could potentially be extracted and purfied using a centrifuge and have many useful industrial applications.